♦ Organic Creation Catalyst ♦

ZYROR: Techwear Fashion combined with Storytelling

Concept Design

I had the freedom to use multiple skills in synergy and created Zyror as part of my Master Thesis.

This new type of (techwear) brand, will bridge the gap between fashion and storytelling.

Beast + Machine

Beast + Machine

The name Zyror, means ‘Beast in a Machine’ in the brand language.

Human Enhancement interwoven in the Core Values

Human Enhancement interwoven in the Core Values

At its core, the brand exists to inspire application of our full inner potential in life, what aims to satisfy our inherent need of self-actualization.

Design Philosophy

Design Philosophy

Each collection is inspired by a Story set in a Fictional World.

The Characters from this Story serve as inspiration for the individual garments much like haute couture (runway fashion) is used to inspire the prêt-à-porter (ready-to-wear clothing).

Co-Creation enables the end users to voice their opinion regarding the design, providing valuable insights to finetune the final product.    


Zyror World

With the help of several talented individuals I created the idea and designed the World of the first collection for Zyror.

The story and the visuals that follow are created mostly by me.

Exo Dock

Exo Dock

“These Docks are used to charge the Fighter’s Exosuits during the night.

This military grade model is converted for civilian entertainment use. Which means that its charging times are about 20 times faster than of the Exo Docks from the top brands. The dock features an automatic posture and motion detection system ‘ Y.O.U.’ in the edges of the outer casing, which relieves the user from wearing point trackers and makes the docking process significantly faster.

To initiate the docking procedure, the user is required to (A) step back and up on the footrests, (B) grab the handles and (C) turn hem inwards. Automated claws will grab the suit at the back brackets and manipulate it on to the spinal column charger. The Dock lights up indicating the charging mode and user can step out of the suit.

When an Exosuit is fully charged the inner light border of the Dock will start to gently dim the light at every three seconds to inform the user. An approaching user is automatically detected and the suit is then re-positioned to fit the user’s posture.

This is one of total five that Primal2 has bought on a custom order for the volunteered fighters.” 



“Despite all the disgust she has for this organization, Primal2 has managed to intrigue Aurora with this event they are putting together.

Finally she has the chance to show the world the value of their heritage and hopefully let the public see the true value of persistence. 

They have fought as a small dedicated group, selflessly, over the years to keep the tradition of the pure fight alive. Originally it was called Vale Tudo, since the Mixed Martial Arts was introduced to the world, its popularity started to decline and completely dried out with the rise of Sports2 in the second half of the 21th century.

This concept introduced customized exosuits that increase power and the speed of a fighter while eliminating the pain, to the MMA. The sport wasre-branded to Enhanced Martial Arts, EMA, of which Primal2 is the largest promotion.”

Extra Functionality

Extra Functionality

“The original Primal was one of the largest MMA promotions in the second half of the 21th century. Their trademark was the storytelling around an event, with the emphasis on the spectacle.

Rise of Enhanced Martial Arts, granted Primal access to Exo Fight rights that were a performance unseen before. Since Primal already had the infrastructure that put the emphasis on spectacular story in place, they took EMA market by a storm. Original company morphed into Primal2 and is now the biggest player on the market.

This allows the company to spend nearly unlimited amounts of resources, making things like the heavy modification of this military Exo Dock, possible.

The inner light border of the Exo Dock is modified to pulsate with certain frequency and intensity inducing its user in a state of mind otherwise only achievable by decades of meditation or external input into the body.

The goal of this augmentation is to allow the athlete to work together with their subconscious mind, in order to reconfigure to the most optimal mental state for the challenge ahead. This procedure works best when applied right after a training session.”

The Double

The Double

“This Virtual Training Assistant is another example of what big money and influence can buy. Custom engineered and built, The Double is linked to the performance monitoring system in the athlete’s gear. Having access to this data enables the OS of the device to interactively enhance the training.

By controlling the environment around the athlete and giving them a tailored challenge, this device is used to stimulate optimal physical and mental performance that is needed to operate an Exo Suit.”


Past four images with the accompanying texts are the beginning of the first World by Zyror. More updates will be released, as the launch of the brand nears.    

