♦ Organic Creation Catalyst ♦


MA > Spirit | Vibration | Inspiration | BRAND

TE > Soul | Energy | Innovation | OBELISK

VO > Body | Matter | Evolution | PORTAL

Aquarian Jungle NFT Portals


Welcome to MATEVO Metaverse, a parallel reality of Aruba in 2033 where the island is a beacon for innovation in multidimensional creative work.

MATEVO Aquarian Jungle Energy Blueprint. Dream, Explore and Locate Brand Experiences in this Metaverse Playground.

First 12 Portals Available Now @OpenSea. Each of the 12 is opening 11 Portals To MATEVO Metaverse set in A Parallel Reality of SOVEREIGN ARUBA 2033

Do you need Clarity of Direction?Your true north is designed from multiple perspectives, serving as an energetic compass for brands’ evolution.

Do you need Clarity of Direction?

Your true north is designed from multiple perspectives, serving as an energetic compass for brands’ evolution.

Where do you find your Limitless Inspiration? Expand in endless creation with brand extensions derived from your virtual worlds.

Where do you find your Limitless Inspiration?

Expand in endless creation with brand extensions derived from your virtual worlds.

Reveal Your Shield Your unique energetic signature symbolized through an intellectual property serving as your ZAG

Reveal Your Shield

Your unique energetic signature symbolized through an intellectual property serving as your ZAG

MATEVO Brand Multiverse Archetype

MATEVO Brand Multiverse Archetype


Welcome to


Ruben Aleksani Matevosyan

It’s a pleasure meeting you, I’m a hybrid creator with a passion to evolve your dreams while shifting the paradigm in creative work.

MATEVO Multidimensional Innovation Lab is here to empower the evolution of consciousness towards the highest frequency of Love, doing this with inspired innovations that excite by creating a sense of mystery and adventure.

Specializing in Interactive Retail -, Virtual World & Infrastructure - & Systems Design with 11+ years of professional experience. My superpowers, guided discovery process, inexhaustible optimism, and infinite creativity are here to help you see the potential for innovation in any complex challenge creating an opportunity to evolve together.

The Brand Multiverse Archetype is your starting point for expansion into the Virtual Dimension. Created with the purpose to help you stand out from the crowd, know where to move next, and always be protected in the Age of Extended Realities (XR).


Mindful Organic Multiverse Portal

Reveal the Technology archetype component of your multiverse by asking yourself:

What technologies can you imagine to empower the evolution of consciousness and inspire awareness expansion ?

What is the adventure in this ?

Distraction Overload leeching our creative energy. By consciously naming The Resistance Dragon, we have a choice to face it.

Face The Resistance by Playing A Creative Flow Game in XR

Are You A


ready to



We are here to shift you to a higher reality in three steps:

I —

Reveal Your Brand Multiverse


Inspire Your EXPANSION

— II —


in synergy with

Extended Reality EXPERIENCES

— III —

Empower Creative Flow


EVOLVE Consciousness BY DESIGN


MATEVO Engagements in 11+ years of Professional Co-Creation.

Are you ready to Expand into virtual Dimension?



multidimensional co-creation